How To Grow A Small Business Big

how to grow a small business big

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Every big business name and brand started from somewhere. Most started small, some a little bit above average and a few big. Hence, don’t ever think your business can’t grow big. Every entrepreneur has a different story to tell about their own business. The risk taken and the ups and downs of business. But one thing is constant in every story, they never quit. Rather, they took the right step towards growing a small business big.

Today you will be learning how to grow a small business big. How to take your little investment to the next level and its peak.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a full-time business or a side hustle business as long as your money is going into it you have to do the following to make sure your resources are not wasted.

I am writing this list of all the things you could do to grow your small business big in no particular order. All are very important, therefore do them as you choose to.

Brand your Small Business

When I say brand I hope you are not thinking of just creating a logo because branding goes beyond that. Well, you must create a logo too 😉

Branding crotales a lot but the major aspect of branding is clearly stating out the results clients get from the use of your products and services. Branding is also a market strategy which sets you apart from your competitors. For instance, you own a shoe business, what does your brand offer? Let’s say comfortable shoes at affordable prices.

Have a business card, once you promote your business to an individual give them something they could contact you with.

Design Pickle is the perfect place to get the design for your business. They work with all kinds of small to big businesses and they have packages for your budget. The best part is you get 14 days free trial. Half a month is good enough for you to decide if something is best for you.

Promote your Business

This is a small business and just a few people around know of its existence. Hence, you need to put a lot of effort into promoting it because what is the point in having good services and no one knows about it. For more people to know about it which in return makes it grow, you have to promote it.

Get this right, just because your business is not an online business doesn’t mean you can’t promote it online. People are always online and that is the easiest and fastest way to get to your potential client.

I have a cousin who runs a small local cake business from home. Obviously, no one gonna eats a cake online but she has a Facebook page and Instagram page. She gets customers online and delivers to their destination.

how to grow your small business big

Don’t do it all

This is a sound warning. Don’t try to run your business all by yourself. Don’t get me wrong here you can be a Solopreneur starting a small business and can’t afford to have a permanent staff. That’s okay. However, when you need to hire a professional or skilful worker please do.

You can’t know it all hence, get someone who knows.

Asking for help when it comes to business is not a sign of weakness. It shows you know exactly what you are doing and your aim for growth will be achieved.

Put in Money

Every business startup is different. Some might just need a one-time investment while some subsequent funding. However, your business is, know when to put in more money.

Some small business takes a long time for profit to be actualized. However, when you start seeing profit don’t be too quick to spend it. I will advise you to put it back into the business.

I wrote a post that talked more about this read 3 sure ways to grow a failing business.


Consistency is the key to every success. When you have a pattern keep to it this will boost your business reputation.

If you open business 9 am every day keep it that way. If you deliver goods in three working days make sure it happens 90% of the time. Why is this so important? It is important because when a client recommends you to a potential client your consistency stands out.

Consistency is a game-changer for every business. It passes a message which is you mean business. It shows you are not out to play, you really want to grow your income through your business. To impact and become a big brand soon.

Set Goals for your Small Business

I tell you the truth without setting goals you won’t achieve anything. Goals are what push you to get things done. Goals make you productive because you have a target. Productivity is an entire ball game of its own and you should learn from experts.

Setting goals puts you on track and helps you stay focused. If your goal for the month is to make 100 sales. Then everything you do that month is geared toward achieving that.

When you set goals you see that you make progress. You might not achieve 100% but you will be close to it, At the same time, you will learn what worked and what didn’t.

Research and keep up to date

In case, you haven’t noticed the world keeps changing so fast. Today this is work and tomorrow it’s not. Something new keeps popping up and changing the market algorithm you thought you knew.

Hence there is a need to keep up to date with all that is happening especially if it affects your business.

In Summary…

No business started from the top. Every business had to thrive in the market and make a name for itself. Your business can do the same and better.

Just keep working hard and be intentional about growing. Set goals and strategies and sometimes all you need to do is re-strategies. Find help where you need to and never get tired of promoting your small business. You are its number one fan.

Is there anything you do that has helped grow your business and you would like to share? Please drop a comment.

how to grow a small business big
How to grow a small business big
grow your business
go from small income to big income

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