How to get a healthy skin in two weeks

Two weeks to a healthy

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Every tip I am about to share needs consistency. They are simple and easy to do. The most amazing part is you don’t need a hell lot of money to get healthy skin. And yes you can see the results within two weeks.

#1 TIP

Get a clean towel. The skin on our face is one of the most sensitive. Trust me it knows when you are not taking care of it.

Make it a habit to use a clean towel on your face. whether is when you take a bath or after you gave it a quick wash. Just make sure you have a separate towel for your face.

#2 TIP

Soaps are one of my best ingredients to getting my skin looking good. However, it’s not just any type that does the magic.

Use soaps with natural ingredients and oils. One of the best ingredients is honey. The likes of carrot oil and coconut oil are amazing too. Find a local soap store and make an order with your specification.

#3 TIP

Learn to exfoliate your skin. This simply means getting rid of dead skin cells. On your face and body.

All you need is a good scrub. I once used a sugar and honey scrub and it worked wonders. I struggle with whiteheads and the scrub took care of them for me.

Please don’t do this every day. Your skin needs exfoliation just once or twice a week.

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#4 TIP

Eat a lot of fruits, not all fruits though because…

There are fruits and veggies which performs wonders for our skin

Try this for 3 weeks and in the 2nd to 3rd week if you don’t see a difference call me a liar

get pawpaw, carrots, apple, orange and ginger

juice them together

take a glass of it first thing in the morning and the last before you go to sleep

sit back and watch how your skin starts to glow.

The above mentioned is one of my best tips to getting healthy skin. Not only does your skin benefits from it but also your entire body.

#5 TIP

My last and best tip to getting a healthy skin

Drink a lot of water. I save the best tip for last.

This is probably the easiest way to getting perfect skin. However, not everyone knows an effective way to go about it. Hence I created a content that will help out. How to drink water for healthy smooth skin.

A recap on getting a healthy skin

Always wipe with a clean towel

Soaps with natural ingredients are the best

Exfoliate your skin and get rid of dead skin cells

Fruits are yummy and your skin loves them too

Water solves a lot of problems including your skin

If you found this helpful don’t forget to share or leave a comment because I would love to know someone found this great. Or you can tell us what is your own beauty hack to beautiful skin?

You can get a healthy skin in two weeks. It is absolutely possible.
how to get a healthy skin in two weeks

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